I am an entrepreneur, investor and a community warrior. I currently own 4 businesses in the local area and in the process of acquiring 2 more. My businesses are: Always Able Disability Service, Always Able Pet Boarding at Kew, Aussie Pooch Mobile Camden Haven Area and Always Able Travel. I live at Kew and have been running the pet boarding there for 4 years. I love my local community and my intention is to keep services open to the community the best way i can.
I have been busy building my education and knowledge through being in the Empire Circle +, EBS (Entrepreneurial Business School), I love Real Estate group, Think Property Group, Fokas Beyond covered calling and doing any other relevant webinar to increase my knowledge. I hope to one day build up my property portfolio by having investment properties and by completing subdivisions.
I am a member of Port Macquarie Business group, Business Camden Haven and have also applied to be part of Rotary. I have volunteered and been on many committees throughout my life- sporting, school, community events and overseas events.
I did a lot of softball coaching at all different levels for many years and made a lot of lifelong friendships and enhanced a lot of young softball players careers some of which are in the current Australian Team for Womens Softball.
My intention is to continue to build my empire and continue to make a positive impact in my community, build a legacy for my family and provide generational wealth and wellness.I